On the inner earth currency is very different. sure there's bartering and what we know as dollars in some ares but in most it is a high tech advanced system. Everyone has either a watch or some sort of jewelery or clothing that stores currency information specific to that person. The nice thing with this is no one else knows how much money you have. The currency is not traceable no matter what. The so called rulers or temporary governments have tried to track the personal information of each individuals currency but has failed every time. The energy used to power the currency is a substance known as Sebitium, an element that is only found in the inner earth. It contains perpetual energy that never runs dry, so it can power the currency forever. (More about Sebitium in materials of the inner earth) This type of currency has been initiated on some animals on government sites. For some reason the DNA coding can not be figured out between the watch and animal as it would for a human, with one exception being a narcamole (terrablilionecu). Scientists have used the watches successfully on them just as it would with a human. The only problem with this is narcamoles can not do anything useful, the only jobs it has been seen performing for money are being used as comfort animals for chickens.

Handheld currency is called labers, which means "Distracting Forest" in the native tongue of the great leader Topachupie. One laber is equal to four U.S. dollars. The richest Brrchucrcrclcx is a young adult male living in Hotea. His name is Armogoris, scientists say, and he currently owns every car ever built in the inner earth, which is about 4600. He keeps them in a very large garage/museum through a secret passage through his dresser. He also owns high grade military substances like Dark Matter and Nuclear material. He owns five of the inner earth's largest reverse-gravity chambers. He owns 52 large businesses, and the rights to 354 of the industrial resources, gaining him a whopping salary equal to 72 million dollars per day. Don't think he's just a rich snob though, most of his money goes toward running the whole country of Hotea, which has had it's economic ups and downs.
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